Tuesday 12 November 2013

New Bands - Brightline and Vital Signs!

Congratulations to new missions bands Brightline and Vital Signs who have been working with JCSS over the last few months in preparation for their first live performances at Vision Night held by the Message Trust on Saturday 9th November 2013!
The Vision night was held at Audacious Church Manchester, with live performances from Twelve24, Lz7 and In Yer Face, additional new mission team Square 1and a special guest appearance from premiership footballer Fabrice Muamba.
There were amazing testimonies from some of the young people who the Message Trust have been working with over the last year in schools, communities, prisons and the MEC along with worship led by Jamie Hill and The Message worship team.
Watch this space for more of their upcoming events! You can also find out more about the Message Trust's work by visiting their website - www.messagetrust.org.uk

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